Attention Seeking Stars | Teen Ink

Attention Seeking Stars

June 13, 2013
By Tessa073 SILVER, Deerfield, New Hampshire
Tessa073 SILVER, Deerfield, New Hampshire
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I step out
Silently, avoiding notice
Notice, who is searching for me
I wish to breath in the life of darkness
I wish to bask in a crippled glowing orb
But I am not granted
In these desires
For my acquaintances
They acknowledge that I am here
They grasp the want I hold in me for solitude
And they strip this from me
Knowingly and purposefully
They accompany me in my stroll across shadowed ground
Shadowed not in despair
But in night
These are my friends
My foes and allies
They hold majesty in them so marvelous
Being in their presence makes me feel minuscule
And static
These are the stars
The pushy
Attention seeking stars
Of the nigh
They leave me
Not alone
But overwhelmed
As they whisper secrets in my ear
Of accounts they have witnessed while in the hiding places of the day
Their laughter at humanities misfortune twinkles lightly
And the sound masks the cruelty behind their actions
The stars that intrude on my night
Seldom stay in my poor graces
For they shine their lights down on me
Wishing to share a bit of their beauty
They show me
Where I'm going
But just ever so slightly
So the destination is a pleasant surprise
These are the stars
The thoughtful
Stars of my world

The author's comments:
Even I don't know if I mean this literally or metaphorically.

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