All of You | Teen Ink

All of You

June 20, 2013
By Typhios SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
Typhios SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Your lips are as sweet as honey,
Causing mine to tingle
And my tongue to dance.
Your smell lingers in my nostrils,
Softly and smoothly brushing
Against every receptor.
Your skin is so soft,
Even silk cannot compare
To you who are so light and fair.
Your voice flows like a stream,
Taking me to a special place
Where I am yours alone.
Just laying my eyes upon you
And taking in your every feature,
Leaves me wondering how
I am so lucky to have you.

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on Jul. 10 2013 at 8:30 pm
KristySparklez BRONZE, Sterling, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Time only numbs all pain, it does not heal the wounds created by, nor does it heal the pain

This is such a great poem! Keep writing(: I will be checking back for more!