To my soul | Teen Ink

To my soul

June 25, 2013
By ssmmsss BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
ssmmsss BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live your life on purpose

I could show you, me. I could take you there
To the never ending race track of loose ends
And unfinished projects passing each deadline.

I could take you there and give you all of me
Show you the tattoos that have meaning
Give you the details of a never ending sob story
You could fall in love with me for a day

See my quirks and call them cute
Laugh at my 10 second delay to subtract 3 from 10
Find my hair adorable and my smile just right
But it would last a day, and I would give you all of me

Because after that day you would see everything
You wouldn’t find my lack of education in math funny
You wouldn’t see that smile so exhilarating anymore
You would soon find you need more, and want more

I can try to give you lies, see I’m good at that
Actually I’ve had more experience in the sheets than meets the eye
See did you know that? Did you know my favorite thing to do is stare endlessly at the stars and wake in the morning with you entangled around me?
Did you know that? No? me either. See lies

I can spill lies to you, to make you want more, need more
How long would they last? How long would you last?
We could imagine our lives going further down the street
To a home with 3 baths and 4 bedrooms

But that wouldn’t happen, you’re needy
You need more than to wake up entangled with me
Glistening from the night before and a broken soul next to you
You don’t have time to read into me, into us

You have time to move on and dump my body
Dump it onto the flowerless beds of mulch
One would need miracle growth to give such life to me

I would need to be watered everday and sang to
I like being sung too
To be held but not with care but enchantment
To bring me to another world where my thought become reality

Where the stars are something we aim for when we are tired of Florida
Who can do that, who can care for such a bewildered soul
A soul that has open ends and deep roots
Roots that take you so far into her soul you get lost at a fork in the road

You can’t see the distance to the end because you don’t know if there is one
Can you find it? No, and you will never stay long enough to try
You will never bother to come across the yield sign to my heart
You question if there is even a heart in me

I am here to tell you there is, but you
Something about you, is blinded to it
Blinded to the depth of my personality, to my cute little quirks

I am here to tell you that I have gone with the wind
I’ve taken the road most traveled, because that’s what I do
I avoid change and I seek the unoriginal, but does that surprise you?

Yes it does because you’ve never take the shovel to dig past the nasty
To dig past the annoying, boring, and fat rolls of dirt on me
If you did you could have seen it all, and been my all
My everything

But here I lie, on a street somewhere on the west coast
Where I lack originality to go anywhere thrillingly different
I lie here, avoiding human contact because of you
Because you never tried to see past it all

You never stayed the night to see my face in the morning
I am here, helping any other man avoid me
Avoid this mess, because that’s what you said
When you looked me in the eyes you spoke to me
"Help yourself and stay away" so here I am

Helping myself to the sound of waves crashing
To the sound of loneliness and heartbreak
Drinking the sweetest wine of this state
Letting it run deep into my soul, sending shivers down my spine

To the core of my well being
To be swallowed by the love I have to yet give
And the by love I will never receive

The author's comments:
Those times when you need a serious venting session and all you have is a pen and paper

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