Endless Love | Teen Ink

Endless Love

September 28, 2013
By faithwalker_1796 GOLD, Webb City, Missouri
faithwalker_1796 GOLD, Webb City, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"everyday is a new day"- 100 years
"day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what's done is done. Embrace your dreams through the night. Tomorrow come with a whole new light"-Unknow

A Princess of the moon, named Serenity
With hair as long as dawn
Her hair could be called new moon white
She knew life like the back of her hands
Life is plain when you live in a dome
She could be happy as an endless rainbow
She cares about her people like a careful planted rose

Love was the kingdom crystal
The Princess fell in love with the deep blue Earth
She fell in love with the real winds and the beautiful nature
Nothing on Earth was fake like it was back home in the dome
The Prince of Earth, named Endymion
With his deep blue eyes, that the Princess could get suck in

Their love was never a plan
Against God’s law
Happiness spill over the lovebirds, like a glass of clear water
But the glass tip over too much
A pointless war spread over the two planets

Their dreams ends
It’s broken like the glass that lay in shatters, untouched
It’s gone like the water that tainted with blood

A Peacekeeper is the one
She didn’t mean to be evil
It happen with happen Father time
A secret not to tell
Is touch by icy evil hands

Envy turn into hate flames
That burn the Earth’s prince
To save his love of the Moon
He dies like the rose of the kingdom

The Princess cries a river of time
She’s lost in an endless box
Serenity’s eyes are filled to the rim
There’s no more tears to cry

Without Endymion
Serenity is gone
The Sacred Sword Of Legends is tainted with her silver blood

The Queen of the Moon had no choice but to seal this darkness with the Silver Crystal
But can she?
When her heart is in shatter of the loss of her daughter and her friends

Fate works in weird ways
Serenity love Endymion with all of her heart
The Moon and Earth are incapable of not being together
The Earth needs the Moon to light the darkness away
The Moon needs the Earth to give off the real beauty of nature

Serenity and Endymion will be reborn again!
They will meet each other again!
And they will fall in love again!
Faith will let them be together for eternity!!

The author's comments:
This poem is based on the Manga/anime
Sailor Moon...The create of sailor Moon and the plot is the work of Naoko Takeuchi...I just wrote a love poem about Serenity and Endymion

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