Endless Beauty | Teen Ink

Endless Beauty

October 14, 2013
By mollyjb22 SILVER, Boulder, Colorado
mollyjb22 SILVER, Boulder, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deep blue skies stretch as far as the eye can see
On either side, aging mountains tower over me
Abundant with life, the forest constantly grows

Miles and miles of non-stop bliss and solitude
Eyes captivated at every turn
The soft whisper of the winds, pushing me forward
The sun beating down, lighting my path

Greens and blue surround me
Blending in with the gray and white
Day after day, scenery changes
New adventures every day

Up in the mountains
Where peace can be found
Deep blue skies stretch as far as the eye can see

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the three week backapacking trip I took over the summer

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