growing up | Teen Ink

growing up

October 10, 2013
By Taylor,H. BRONZE, Waterford, Pennsylvania
Taylor,H. BRONZE, Waterford, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Im my best friend, and my worst enemy.

What it is to be young. So simple and innocent. Everything is a game to you. You can make friends with complete strangers in a matter of minutes. You hate no one. Wealth and race mean nothing to you. All you know is how to play. A time when the worst thing that could happen is being in time out or having a scary dream. A time when your parents were you heroes. When everyday you would wait for dad to come home to wrestle him. A time when mom knows how to fix anything and make it better. Such is not the case anymore.

Now, we are materialistic creatures. We change ourselves to be accepted by people we don’t even know. We become someone we are not because that is what we think people want you to be. All we care about is what others think. We worry about everything. Getting into a good school, getting a good job, making enough money. This is not what I want for myself. I want to be who I was. I want to get back to a time when what others thought of me means nothing as long as I’m happy. Im not saying it will be easy, but what in life that is worth having is? And kids say they cant wait to grow up…

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