The Hunt For Perfection | Teen Ink

The Hunt For Perfection

October 21, 2013
By JaycobA. GOLD, Lebanon OR., Oregon
JaycobA. GOLD, Lebanon OR., Oregon
18 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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No one alive can tell you that you are wrong for loving who you love. Regardless of if they are the same or a different gender. Love is love no matter what form it's in.

You still can't see how perfect you are.

You grab your razor or try to make yourself throw up.

You eat just enough to stay alive.

You act completely diffrent.

You spend every night trying to ignore the voices screaming at you.

Telling you that you're not good enough.

It's all you can do to stay sane.

There's only two way it will end.

One is for you to relize you're amazing exactly how you are.

The second is death.

Just put down your blade and pull your hand out of your throat.

Now look in the mirror and say "I amd perfect exactly how I am."

Now repeat that until you believe it.

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