The Uninvited Truth of an Outcast | Teen Ink

The Uninvited Truth of an Outcast

November 11, 2013
By dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The luminescent moon outshines the encompassing obscurity
Uplifted is my posture;
An outstretched arm yearning to embrace the orb of night
Yet I cannot reach it, even at my elevated height
I stand on the tips of my unbalanced toes
Every effort is emphasized to grasp the circumference of light
Alas, my figure shatters like glass, onto the lowly ground
The residence where I was first found

Fills the air as emptiness surrounds me.
I hear laughter; I am unsure if it’s with me or at me
Not at me. Oh Lord, I beg no more
I finally found something upright to live for
Current cliques of society long to be like to me
They will never understand what a life I’ve had
Here I begin; forging happiness
People aren’t attracted to sadness

These hazel eyes are ever-so mysterious
A quality that makes people curious
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul
If this is precise, why don’t they know I’m not whole?
What they fail identify is that I omit my emotions
Swallow ‘em as if they’re passive potions
I have become self-confident in more reasons than one
I want to proclaim to my persecutors I’ve finally won
Yet, none but one knows the valid truth.

Hidden, in the hind of my mind
Is where some may find
The haunting history; it cannot stay behind
Taunts me, as I attempt to escape
Oh, how I long for an invisible cape

“You’re ugly.”
“No one likes you.”
Emotionally scarred for life
They’ve cut me open with a virtual knife
Like Mission Impossible, it is a challenge
To reverse all the deadly damage

Bittersweet memories flood my head;

Dam breaks, which causes me to shed a river full of sorrow
One may allege these are alligator tears, but to me, they are genuine as can be
Maybe they’ll see if I die


I am not desperate; I will survive
None but one knows the valid truth.

The truth, I don’t trust resting in a shaded soul’s hands
As much as I pretend to be content, I can never be complete
I’ll always have a missing part inside my beating heart
Like the crescent moon in the gloomy sky,
I am an outsider who conceals herself to cry
I have traveled a great distance, only to lose everything
Perhaps one day, a Good Samaritan will mend my broken wings
As for now:
None but one knows the valid truth.

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