I am yours | Teen Ink

I am yours

November 15, 2013
By Lexi_Nikas SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Lexi_Nikas SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am yours.

I wonder what I look like in your eyes.

I hear your name all the time.

I see happiness when I look in your eyes.

I want to be important to you.

I am yours.

I pretend to not be interested.

I feel happy.

I touch your hand.

I worry you will lose interest.

I cry when you say something really funny.

I am yours.

I understand we are young.

I say you’re super cute.

I dream to make a difference with you.

I try to make you happy.

I hope to be yours.
I am yours.

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