Wooden Author/ The City of Inspiration/ Sing | Teen Ink

Wooden Author/ The City of Inspiration/ Sing

December 16, 2013
By kathrynm95 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
kathrynm95 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wooden Author

Its stream of consciousness flows
like a steady stream

Etching its beautifully simple thoughts
onto a blank page

Filling it with whatever it desires
Profound words

to share
or to not

Flaws can be undone
with the swipe of an eraser

like it never happened

Its imagination continues to bleed


like a tree branch
without warning

Leaving behind an unfinished...

The City of Inspiration

The skyline
The buildings jet skyward from the pavement

The constant motion
Always "Go somewhere, get someplace"

Businessmen and women
Aspiring youth
Everyone is trying to make it

How can you not?

How can you not become something great
in the greatest city there ever was?


A sound
A melody
A voice
A story to tell

A hurt
A love
A pain
An expression

A passion

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