Friends | Teen Ink


December 26, 2013
By brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tell me I can't, I won't hear you!"
-A'mare Stoudemire (NBA NY Knicks)

A friend is a person who is there for you.
Someone who will come to your house
And eat all of your food.

A friend will treat you nice.
They are always willing to
Help you when you need advice.

A friend will always cheer you up.
One is always near.
They are there when life is tough.

A friend can make me smile
When things don’t go as planned
She might be here a while

A friend is like a sister or a brother
We may fight but
We are always there for each other.

If you hurt her
You better run
Because she’s my best friend
And that wont be fun.

The author's comments:
All of the people who are there for me inspire me each and every day. I love them more than words can explain.

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