Never Give Into The Shadows | Teen Ink

Never Give Into The Shadows

January 23, 2014
By TheLostGirl BRONZE, Kentland, Indiana
TheLostGirl BRONZE, Kentland, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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As i kissed the scars on her skin i still think your beautiful and i dont want to ever lose my best friend~Vic Fuentes~
Wrists are for bracelets not for cutting~Kellin Quinn~

I know that you skip your meals,
That you cry yourself to sleep,
That you feel so ugly and worthless,
But please never give in it does get better, I promise I'll always be here for you, Your not fat your beautiful, your not stupid your smart, Your who you are don't let anyone tell you different, lastly I love you and Never Give Into The Shadows <3

The author's comments:
As I grew up I struggled giving into suicide, self harm, eating disorders,and I felt like I deserved to feel that way. That's why people didn't like me because I wasn't good enough.

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