The Rock | Teen Ink

The Rock

February 19, 2014
By Melissa Bigsby BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Melissa Bigsby BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Release the girl from the shackles that feed off her ankles
Remove the sullenness plastered over her brain
And give her bone-house a chance to rejuvenate
Pass her the adhesive capable of rebinding her composure
Because it’s tough being a rock

Release the girl from the prickly grasp the deadlines have on her throat
Let flames consume the futile mound of assignments they call
Although she loves the art of learning
She despises its clingy friends
“Pressure” and “Insufficiency”
And shudders at the thought of
A future with missing filaments
Don’t accuse her of being lazy when
The electrolytes in her batteries are evaporating into
A vat of nothingness
Because it’s tough being anxious

Release the girl from the societal spells
That poke her tummy with a pitchfork
Every time she eats a flake of her favorite mistake
And remind her that dullness fills her eyes
As well as her personality
Permit her to amble throughout the prudent pine trees
For as long as she desires
Is it so much to ask for a slumber with sunken fronds, blades,
Needles, and coiled blossoms?
She longs to escape the haze
Because it’s tough being stuck in a place where you don’t feel wanted

For everyone’s sake
Unleash the fear of conjuring a stew made of warmth, adoration, and acceptance
Grasp a ladle and submerge it in the delicate concoction
Draw it gingerly upwards
And hand a bowl to everything you see

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