Ocean City | Teen Ink

Ocean City

February 19, 2014
By Pat_kurk BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Pat_kurk BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I get excited when I think of it
And it's smell will never leave my nostrils
The sea salt and sand are a perfect combination.
The beach and sun seem to never disappear.
Everything is easier here
No stress or problems.
Only relaxation in the sun.
Anything can be done.
There's something for everyone.
I can lay on the beach
Or swim for hours
Then head to the boardwalk for some food,
Or a game of mini golf.
The boardwalks are never ending
Like the days that lie ahead.
They say time flies when your having fun
Which is why it seems I'm never there.

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