The Puppet Master | Teen Ink

The Puppet Master

February 19, 2014
By KenzieJ BRONZE, Minerva, Ohio
KenzieJ BRONZE, Minerva, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Being intelligent, beautiful, wealthy, talented, witty, or is all meaningless if you are not also kind.

It feels like fire
defending itself against the air;
Exhausted and breathless.
It's working,
I hope it's working.
Maybe they're right, maybe
I'm persistent
in my own denial.
It soon won't matter,
as they soon will no longer
Believe themselves.

It feels like puppeteering;
leading the weak
into my controlling hand.
They have a false sense of security.
I'm not so bad anymore, am I darling?
No, I'm not bad at all.

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