White Blanket | Teen Ink

White Blanket

February 27, 2014
By lizann29 BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
lizann29 BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun gleamed gently
against the blanket of snow
sparkling like diamonds
the cold windy air
pounded on my skin
the vivid red cardinal
flew across the sky
landed on a green holly tree
Its bare feet
against the white fluff
I touched the blanket
feeling it melt on my bare skin
the pine tree surrounding
coated like frosting
The warm inviting cottage
sat on a hill
the cold air swept
through the branches of the trees
The silence of the air around
was heavenly
I watched
the beauty of the white blanket
covering the earth
was magnificent

The author's comments:
It recently snowed where I lived and I decided to write about the beautiful snow!

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