What if I Told You That There Is No Heaven? | Teen Ink

What if I Told You That There Is No Heaven?

February 28, 2014
By MichaelShi SILVER, Shanghai, California
MichaelShi SILVER, Shanghai, California
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

What would you say.
If I told you
that there was no heaven?
that there is no hell?
only blackness.
What would you do then?
What can you do then?
Does that mean,
that life
is pointless?
good deeds
come to nothing?
blown to the wind
like the sands of time?
does that mean that,
life is unfair?
felonies do not
the good?
does that mean that life is
not worth living?
What if I told you
that there is no heaven.
What would you do then?

The author's comments:
please comment and rate this. I'm not trying to offend any believers; I am not an atheist. I'm just saying what if. Idk what else to say. Live long and prosper people and stay tuned!

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