God, My Savior | Teen Ink

God, My Savior

March 3, 2014
By dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
dancefever32 SILVER, Clinton Township, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness falls
My eyelids flutter open
Pure whiteness
Uncontaminated snow surrounds the scene
45 miles on a slight highway bend
Soon approaching the anticipated end
Wheels spin, tire swerve
Nearly over the curve
Open my mouth to scream
Am I still in a dream?
17 years flash before me
As my pitch black pupils dilate
Will the life I am bestowed with end?
I pray this is merely pretend.
Suddenly, I am facing the other direction
The road, I’m in another section
My heart beats faintly
Surely, the Lord has saved me
A single tear trickles down my cheek
The sign of the cross won’t make me feel weak
Oh Immortal one, have mercy upon me, as I plead for protection
May I recognize your spirit in my rearview reflection
Today, I have found my soul once astray
Thank you, for allowing me to live another day

The author's comments:
This is a poem I will be submitting for a national religious competition. Any feedback or critique is welcome! Please feel free to comment!!

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