Only A Dream | Teen Ink

Only A Dream

March 26, 2014
By Gabrielle Konyak BRONZE, Lumberton, New Jersey
Gabrielle Konyak BRONZE, Lumberton, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As my head hits the pillow I sink into a bliss.
A puffy cloud forms above my head, I am in another world.
A world with perfect people, no tears, no sadness.
A world where love is never hard to find, and hate is unknown,
where people don't judge you by the way you act.
I control how I want my story to end,
and with whom I want to spend it with.

I can feel the end is near,
I hold onto those few moments as if they are my last.
I look at the people who surround me in this perfect place.
People I never talk to, are now somehow a part of my life.
People I wish I knew better are loved ones now.
I take one last look and can see their faces fading,
no longer able to reach out to me.

I open my eyes,
blink a few times,
trying to sort out reality from fantasy.
Remembering back to the things that seemed so real.
I try to close my eyes again.
Hoping somehow,
everything will come back.
But it is hopeless.
I am awake now.
No longer connected to my dreams.

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