Night Friend | Teen Ink

Night Friend

April 4, 2014
By Aris13 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
Aris13 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Smile forever!"

Staring up at the beautiful sky at night
Thinking and wondering while I look out my window at night
Questions and thoughts pop up
Where will life take me?
Will I be alive or dead?
Happy or sad?
Smiling or frowning?
What will tomorrow bring me?
See my family or friends one more time before it’s my time to leave?
Get to wake up again?
See a new day after I go to sleep?
Do everything I love to do again?
Be successful or be a failure?
Become an important person in life?
Live the life I want?
All these questions are answered at night when I see my good friend the night time out the window
Spending hours and hours looking at the diamond stars, sterling silver moon, and the blackness that surrounds my friend full of secrets to tell me
Staring up the beautiful sky at night
Thinking and wondering while I look out my window at night
Just smiling away

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This article has 1 comment.

Miss S said...
on Apr. 11 2014 at 1:58 pm
How appropriate - all of your questions are answered at night, when you can dream! Great language choice. Moving poem about uncertainty but finding familiar comfort in the stars. :)