My Geisha | Teen Ink

My Geisha

April 4, 2014
By char86 BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
char86 BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Cause we both wanted to do this but I could tell that you were scared<br /> Cause you thought there was more to us but you knew how this would end<br /> It&#039;s gonna end how you expected girl you&#039;re such a masochist and I ask why<br /> And you reply... I like thrill&quot;

"Utsukushi," a word I never knew,
until I stumbled upon you.

Your long black hair,
your pale smooth face,
and your beautifully slanted eyes.

When you greeted me with just a "konbonwa,"
a part of me felt one with Japan,
for you were the icon of the Rising Sun,
the whiteness of the word purity.

In my eyes you were the most attractive,
among all the geishas I knew.

You were the innocence every girl attempted to show.

But as for me,
I am what?
I am but a fool,
among the other foolish men, you have lured here into this room.

But yet you make us feel as though each of us is your only,
that you sincerely enjoy our company,
and will come to a decision between us.

But we choose to be blinded by this lie,
and wrap ourselves in your voice,
and your scent.

Even if we know,
it will have a bigger toll on us when we are once again returned to our lives,
and reminded of our true lonesomeness.

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