Stress | Teen Ink


April 9, 2014
By Teagan Moonen BRONZE, Claremore, Oklahoma
Teagan Moonen BRONZE, Claremore, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My day starts with my annoying rooster alarm
making me think I wake up on a farm.
I rush to school and then to soccer
and some days work, it is all a blur.

Having no time to eat before,
my stomach lets out a roar.
Luckily my mom saves me a plate
on the days I get home late.

With homework piled up
I don’t have time to tell my friends sup.
Staying up to get it all done
peaking through the curtains I begin to see the sun.

After that it’s time to rest
I guess you could say, I’m a little stressed.

The author's comments:
I take a composition class in college and we were assigned a essay and then I also have English VI and she assigned a poetry book assignment and both of those big assignments were due the same day, so this inspired me to write a poem about how I feel about that.

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