Crows and Cats | Teen Ink

Crows and Cats

May 6, 2014
By dvoraz BRONZE, NEW YORK, New York
dvoraz BRONZE, NEW YORK, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"After the game, the pawn and the king go into the same box." - Italian proverb

In a village in a land far away
It was noticed that every day
That at sundown, as the daytime unwound
Crows and cats would emerge to play

The crows would awaken first
And to quench their sprightful thirst
They’d rouse the cats, who’d fetch the rats,
And in sport, all would converse

In this village during the night
The hours were devoid of light
Except for the cats, the crows, and the rats,
Who gathered, discussing their plight

The rats spoke of success in plunder;
How the others would listen in wonder!
Felines coddling the birds, who huddled ‘round the words
Of their rodent friends from down under

The cats would tell tales of fishing,
As the crows would indicate relishing
These intricate narratives that were instructfully illustrative
Until the cracks of morning

But when the morning came
These animals were no longer tame
Earlier content to frolic, now ended their tricks
Cats, crows, and rats returned to their daytime game

By the claws of the cats, rats and crows would die
Impassive would felines be to their preys’ cries
Yet when the dark fell, thus ended the hell:
And the crows, cats, and rats side by side would lie.

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