I am. | Teen Ink

I am.

May 5, 2014
By Razzle BRONZE, Park City, Utah, Utah
Razzle BRONZE, Park City, Utah, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

I am.
A waterfall, found in the rocky cliffs, of Niagara Falls, loud, wet,
Sky blue and deep. Rainbow mist at the bottom, white to non believers.
A cycle. A process.
Wind sweeps up the mist, spraying tourists.

I am formless, nothing can contain me. You cannot catch me, I am wind. I have the power to create and destroy. Nothing can stop me.
Blowing through the forest.

I am a redwood tree surrounded by silence.
Red trunk, strikingly bright with leaves sparkling like emeralds.
Strong and wise, seeing the world from a higher perspective.
Standing tall and proud, nothing can knock me down.

I am a candle. Small yet dependable, burning for days.
In a log cabin, wood creaking, my light flickering on the logs,
Shadows in my light are destroyed.
White hot, don’t touch me. Alone, providing light to all who long to see.

Gold. Tinges of blue, glowing like the lunar moon. Gold, treasures untold. Wise, unique. Gold is valuable, older than time.

On the wind a soft music plays.
The sound of a violin floats around the world, strong and loud, soft and vibrato. Playing in the air, catching ears far and wide. Playing in people’s souls.
I am here. I am me. I am.

The author's comments:
This poem was a form of a mandala (google it!). I was asked questions about the elements (water, wind, earth, fire), like, "If you were a form of water, what form would you be?" I tried to describe it the best I could, and this poem was born. Thanks for reading!

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