The Battle of Sadness | Teen Ink

The Battle of Sadness

May 3, 2014
By xxMsUnPoPuLaRxx GOLD, Schaumburg, Illinois
xxMsUnPoPuLaRxx GOLD, Schaumburg, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that's important. -Marilyn Monroe

I fell down hard
My hands and feet scrapped against the concrete feeling as if a blade was piercing into my skin
Sobs built up in my chest like an emotional hurricane just waiting to pour out
And tears spilled down my face like a storm of raindrops
But my silent screams could not be heard
I longed to have someone pull me out of this eternal sadness that fills my foolish mind easily
I longed for someone to care
And I longed for one day I may hold hope that I can get through this battle
This battle of sadness

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