B-Human, Water, Light | Teen Ink

B-Human, Water, Light

May 15, 2014
By jcrmarquez BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
jcrmarquez BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Look into my eyes
Past the lies and the cover ups
Past the emotion and ugliness
See beyond my shell

The person on the inside
Shivers with fear

Scared of the world
Scared or the possibilities
Scared of the future

He remains too afraid to speak
He worries about judgment
Contrary to the shell

The shell smiles
Happily ignoring all that consumes it
Knowing that this is all normal
That we are all human


Something so simple
But can be so dangerous
The human body
75% water
It's contents
Highly combustible
Part hydrogen
Part oxygen
Every day elements
But sometimes
Good on the outside
Doesn't mean good on the inside
The body requires water
On a daily basis
Yet 2 teaspoons
In the lungs
Lead to the great demise
You see the light
And then it all comes to an end


I see the light
Should I go towards it?
Am I dead?
Why is he looking at me?
I wonder if that’s the V.I.P. list
What do you mean I can’t get in
I don’t want to go back
Don’t make me
Its so pretty here!
Don’t make me go back,

I am yet again left staring at a wall
Yet again I am crippled
Unable to walk

I wish I could go back
Even if it actually were hell
At least I would finally be able to run.

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