Two Open Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Open Hearts

May 16, 2014
By Beculeas SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Beculeas SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He is the only one who understands me. I am the only one who understands him. Two open hearts with lots of love and a heart like mine. Two who belong together. Two perfect people found by fate. With our eyes we can see them, but nobody else seems to notice.

Our love isn’t secret. We send meaningful letters to each other. We grow and we grow deeper and grab each other with our loving grips and take a hold with faithful words and never quit our love. This is how we live.

Let one lose interest in the other and the other will close shut like a lock, each with no longer open hearts. leave, leave, leave her heart cries. And it cries.

When I am too sad and too broken to keep keeping, when I am a shriveled up thing lost between feelings, then it is I, looking at hearts. When there is nothing left to look for in this world. Two, who grew inseparable. Two, who loved and did not forget to love. Two, whose only reason to be is no longer.

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