All Wrapped Up | Teen Ink

All Wrapped Up

May 12, 2014
By Emily Frasa BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Emily Frasa BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Their “popularity” seeps
Out into the room,
Empty words
Cackling like a broken record
Empty words
For Empty hearts
Perfect imperfections

The latest gossip
Slithers off their tongues
Insecurities blatant

One mentions
Their messed up weekend
“Weee were SO trashed”
Turn up

Sad teens
With Happy faces
Faces caked in make up
Make up for the life they made up

Name brands like wrapping paper
Trying to hold it all together

A widened lens, a narrow focus

How awful it must be
to be popular

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