Anxiety | Teen Ink


May 25, 2014
By J.K.Granger SILVER, Warwick, New York
J.K.Granger SILVER, Warwick, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

My throat caught up
To the sweat soaked denim
Carving holes into my knees
Stomach churning
As my shoes touch the tile again
I notice the way my hair
Bounces and sways
In it's uneven, perpetually dirty curls
My lips form the chewed pieces of words
That make up the rushed
And rehearsed sentences
Of ten minutes from now
Nine minutes, really
Only seconds until nine turns to eight
I graze my fingernails
And feel the deep blush paint over my features
Remember to breathe
I can't speak
I can't even stand!
My sweater is too big
My shoe's untied
Can I fake sick and wake up home?
Don't worry, it's all going to-
But they're going to stare!
Their eyes will expect so much
And I can't do anything!
I can't even stand.
Five minutes
Less than five
Calm dow-
Oh my god I don't remember the words
I'm about to cry
To burst out crying in front of all those eyes
Don't think about-
Will that get me out of here?
Two minutes
What are they saying?
All I can hear is rushing
And pen clicking
I'm going to die
For what?
Oh my god
Steady the tiny convulsions of my hands
The eyes are waiting

The author's comments:
This is often how I feel when some kind of public speaking is required.

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