Growing up in Neverland | Teen Ink

Growing up in Neverland

May 28, 2014
By SmartgirlX96 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
SmartgirlX96 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are all stories in the end so make yours a good one"- Doctor Who #11

Sleeping in warm cozy beds
A shadow comes to take you away again
You travel with it to a far off place
Among the stars, galaxies and jingle of children’s laughter
Filled with such strange new adventures
That oddly remind you of things
Distant in your memory
The fairies still sparkle, sing and dance
The mermaids sneak about and whisper again
All the creatures, places and things seem the same
And yet the lost ones are different
He is different, everything feels different
Or maybe its you
The old tiring games you play now
Used to be filled with such joy
And the smile that used to be plastered to your face is gone
As the magic in the land seeps away
And you awaken from the spell
You realize you just want to be back in your bed
At home.

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