Treestorm | Teen Ink


May 26, 2014
By claudia2 BRONZE, Olmsted Falls, Ohio
claudia2 BRONZE, Olmsted Falls, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the zephyrs become harsh and cold,
Nipping and snapping at my limbs, I shudder

The storm approaches fast, and the inky clouds
Grow darker by the minute

Soon, the crepuscular blanket is over me,
And a cascade of tears fall from the sky

I shiver at the first drop, terrified
Knowing this may be the end

The brutal wind could knock me over,
And once that happens, I shall never rise

I sway from side to side,
Leaves crashing into one another

The dusty slate sky forcefully throws a bolt at me,
Illuminating nearby when it narrowly misses

Alone in this fight, I stand tall and proud
Daring for the dark to whip another spark

A loud boom erupts from above,
And the bugs inside me squirm

Planted in the ground, I swing back and forth,
A sudden gush of wind surprising me

I hear a crack, and I know,
That this time, it isn't thunder

A searing pain rushes through me, as my
Arm falls to the ground, blown by the wind

I would cry out in pain, but I have no mouth
The storm quickly fades, the sun rising again

Now I must continue not fight these storms
That never end

But for now, I will grow to be strong
That way, I can face the storms coming on.

The author's comments:
Not really sure what inspired this piece, but I like what it turned out to be.

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