My Pathway | Teen Ink

My Pathway

June 3, 2014
By A.Mxo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A.Mxo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the middle of my life there’s no light
It’s dark, black and lonely with no one in sight
My life is a walkway that I’m trying to overcome
Each step I make is a step that had to be done.

Every step I make is a decision I choose,
the more I push myself, the better I’ll be.
My tunnel is dark but light is the only thing I want to see.

As my life gets better my tunnel gets brighter
A peep of sunlight is all I need to know that my life is okay.
Happiness is my ultimate goal, every step I make is a step closer.
But I need to take my time to get where I want to be.
My life is dark but I’m just trying to be happy.

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