Humanity's Vice | Teen Ink

Humanity's Vice

June 4, 2014
By Emjmf BRONZE, Athens, Ohio
Emjmf BRONZE, Athens, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Tales of murderous lust stir the senses.
Stitched from satin
They are soft on your flesh as you slip into them.

A young girl
Maybe your age
With skin white as cream
With screams that curdled blood
Who offered her lips to a man.
Doesn’t matter who
He is a figment
Symbolic of sweeping dangers:
Seduction, temptation.
He took her kiss
then took her life
Leaving her still
In a meadow where wildflowers grow.

To us he imparts a lesson
Stiff-necked and ominous:
Do not trust strangers.
Safeguard your innocence.
Evil awaits.

And what a flavorless lesson it is
So easily lost amid the whorls of bittersweet
Imparted by the murderous man,
the lifeless lass.
So delicious,
The prospect of meeting such a darkness
Of baring your flesh for the unknown
Parting your rose-tinted lips
And letting them be kissed crimson
To be the one to stand toe to toe with duress
And not be swept away
But spin and merge with it
Something new.
Something better.

So you sip the stories of sorrows past
Ignore the chills
Embrace the heat
Grind the morals beneath calloused feet.
Steep yourself in sordid fantasy
And live within the thrill
For silken dark desire
Always goes down smooth.

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