Middle School | Teen Ink

Middle School

June 2, 2014
By TheGirlWhoReads BRONZE, Centralia, Washington
TheGirlWhoReads BRONZE, Centralia, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly, then all at once.

Drugs, weed, alcohol, smoking, testing.
Kissing, crushes, hugs, loves, romance, relationships, heartbreak, headache.
Fitting in, or standing out. Going with the flow, or making a name for yourself.
Fights, cliches, "those girls", "those guys".
Jocks, b*tches, the preps, witches.
Best friends, worst nightmares.
Grades, sports, friends, parents, teachers, siblings, pets, lives.
Tears, depression, emotions, hormones, cutting, and deciding if life's worth it or not.
Most don't know that this is all one day in a middle schoolers life. Then again, most of you do.
And "they" (parents, teachers, adults in general) either don't know it's going on or don't care, but expect us to juggle everything and be able to handle EVERYTHING.
Do they know how hard it is?

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