Apocalyptic Kiss | Teen Ink

Apocalyptic Kiss

June 13, 2014
By MyaMae BRONZE, Little Falls, Minnesota
MyaMae BRONZE, Little Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The darkest of nights blanket the concrete jungle, and the streets began to walk.
With not by that of human feet, but by that of decaying toes that stutter around the block.
The moons empty eyes peer from behind the petrified clouds.
Chipped teeth chatter, dangling bones clank, and mutilated decaying limbs limped in large crowds.
Shadows of the dark reached up and out, grabbing unwilling victims.
Blood overflows over the teacups brim.
Thou shalt not cry, nor shalt thou be deprived.
Barricade your broken doors, and lock your mangled and beautiful souls inside.
A devils playground rages outside, a horrible and brutal twist.
The high power gave no direction just a slap on the wrist.
Now as the world stumbles to find its feet in the wake of being dismissed,
Thou shalt always remember, it is only that of an apocalyptic kiss.

The author's comments:
This piece was actually inspired while I was watching "The Walking Dead". I'm a huge horror person, whether it's poetry or movies. I once submitted a horror poem for a class assignment. The next day the counselor called me to her office, she feared that I would "hurt myself". Gruesome poetry is sometimes frowned upon. Oh well!

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