fear of ra9e | Teen Ink

fear of ra9e

July 2, 2014
By carothesparrow GOLD, Lilburn, Georgia
carothesparrow GOLD, Lilburn, Georgia
15 articles 9 photos 248 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont give up she will talk someday my friend made this quote she is really cool cause she understands about my sister
it starts with ONE to make a differerence!!! i learned this quote at a leadership camp

ohana means family no one gets left behind

When I walk alone at night anywhere it comes back to get me

No girls or boys deserve to have this fear actually happen to them

Trying to try to be brave about this fear isn't easy for me

Getting advice only goes a long way

People say the people who have it happen to them deserve it but they don't

You never know who could do it to you

It could be a family member, a close friend, a teacher or a complete stranger

Be strong and tell someone you really trust if it does happen to you

Don't give up hope if something as bad as this happens to you

Even if people make fun of you after it happens stay friends who you can trust and will help you though this hard time of your life

No one deserves for this happen to them because it's not their fault that it happens to them

Everywhere you go it could happen to you just gotta be careful with where you go or who you go with

Don't be afraid to scream if it happens

Don't think it just happens in this country it happens all over the world not just to teens or adults it also happens to people younger then you and I

Where I live isn't much help since it has some of the biggest cases of it in the USA

The author's comments:
I wrote this a few months ago giver take and its helped me over come my fear some but I'm still afraid

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 8 2014 at 12:33 pm
carothesparrow GOLD, Lilburn, Georgia
15 articles 9 photos 248 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont give up she will talk someday my friend made this quote she is really cool cause she understands about my sister
it starts with ONE to make a differerence!!! i learned this quote at a leadership camp

ohana means family no one gets left behind

Thank you soooo much i thought it would be best  to express my fear though writing

on Jul. 8 2014 at 12:31 pm
Olivia-Atlet ELITE, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
325 articles 10 photos 1165 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To these the past hath its phantoms,
More real than solid earth;
And to these death does not mean decay,
But only another birth"
- Isabella Banks

This is really deep, and is actually a major fear of mine as well! 5 stars :)