Taking Risk | Teen Ink

Taking Risk

July 17, 2014
By Tinker1996 SILVER, Mount Vernon, Missouri
Tinker1996 SILVER, Mount Vernon, Missouri
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live laugh love

Risk is sometimes
A good thing or a bad thing.
I have taken both types of risk
Over the past six years.
I know it is not something to brag about
When I have taken bad risk
That could be life threatening.
I am happy
That I have taken these risks
Because if I hadn’t taken these risks
I wouldn’t have learned a lesson
Worth learning.
Risks are sometimes worth it.
Where would we all be
If we didn’t take risk
And learn from them?
I definitely would have been scared to go back
And fix the trust
That I have broken in my past
If I didn’t take the risk that I did
And get the help that I needed to get.
Sometimes you got take risk
In your life to get where you can have a healthy life.
Would we even be human
If we didn’t take risk?
Take a risk
And see if you learn a lesson
That will help you in your future.
Don’t be afraid to take a risk.

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About taking risk

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