psychological effects of love | Teen Ink

psychological effects of love

August 23, 2014
By theINFAMOUStown SILVER, Coopersville, Michigan
theINFAMOUStown SILVER, Coopersville, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If people were rain then I was drizzle and she was a hurricane

She needed him
The way caterpillar needed a cocoon.
Her protection, security.
She craved him;
Desire in its most innocent form.
It was beautiful, she thought,
The way he coaxed her lethargic soul to
She hated him
For every step he took away.
For all the pain that he could have
But didn't.
She worried
He'd lose interest
And cut her down to size.
She obsessed
Over every single possibility of pain that
he could cause her.
And again she hated him
Because she loved him.
And needed him.
Because what if suddenly he didn't need

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