Dream, Dream | Teen Ink

Dream, Dream

October 1, 2014
By raneyylorene BRONZE, Highland Villagr, Texas
raneyylorene BRONZE, Highland Villagr, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ascend into the dream,
It's black, faint.
I can hear voices, but the words aren't clear.
Are they even speaking?
It's dark and I'm alone, but I'm fine with that.
Something's shining now, it's white.
It's a very bright light and it's piercing my eyes,
Due to the dull blackness that surrounds me.
What's happening?
I'm not in control of my body, I'm trying to be,
But it's as if someone is dragging me, pulling me
Forcing me to go towards the unknown.
I close my eyes tightly and when I open them I'm at the light.
What's on the other side?
Curiousity gets the best of me, and though I don't have a choice,
I'm thrown through the center.
My head feels light, as does my body.
What's happening?
It smells like vanilla, and the trees look like the abandoned ones you'd find in a forest,
It's not dead, just barely alive, alone, like me I suppose.
The faint giggles of children soar through one ear and out the other,
My wide eyes drift around as I wonder where I am.
The sun beats down on me, yet I'm not hot.
If anything, I'm cold.
I had always loved the fact of being cold, yet there was a source of warmth to
Make sure that didn't get too cold.
Is that what this is?
The trees are black, and when the wind blows it sounds as if they're breathing.
The grass is red and when I step through it, it looks so sharp, as if it will shred my shoes.
It could be the way that the outer part of the grass,
Is laced in black.
What's happening?
The sky cracks, catching my attention.
Glancing up, the clouds drift by, unlike I'm used to, they're going fast.
They're not flying by, but they're definitely not drifting by slowly so I can admire them.
The sky cracks again and a bunch of clouds divide.
The sky roars and I shriek, the unexpected boom causes me to flee in terror.
Hiding behind a tree, I'm surrounded by the voice or no other than my celebrity crush.
I'm no longer interested in why what's happening is happening, only that it is.
Poking my head out from under a branch, he stands there.
His eyes fixated on me as if I'm the only thing that's important to him.
Am i?
This is like a dream, yet a nightmare.
And that's what holds me in place, the fact that if I was to go towards him,
He could disappear and that would kill me.
Though can you die in a dream?
In all of my previous ones I would wake up and than zone back into reality before I could experience the end.
He lifts a finger, calling me towards him with a movement,
I step forward and it's as if I couldn't get close enough to him quick enough.
I'm in front of him now, he's not moving.
My heart stops as his lips twitch upwards.
He's grinning, but he's not grinning in a soft, or kind way,
It's more devious and playful.
His fingers brush over my cheeks and all of a sudden, I'm sucked closer to him.
Something had legitimately shoved me towards him and I'm alone again.
He's gone.
It smells plain, not that there is no scent it just smells plain.
There's no red grass, roaring clouds, celebrities, or black trees.
I'm back where I was before, surrounded by darkness, alone with my thoughts, surrounded by nothing.

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