The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

October 21, 2014
By amaliabaca BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
amaliabaca BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s the girl in the corner of your eye
always goes unnoticed
her hair, a camouflage to hide her insecurities.
She wishes to speak, to break out of the box,
the vessel that contains her.
To have a voice that yells from the mountain- tops
she runs from the chance to be judged
never taking that leap of faith
from one side of the cliff to the other
because falling into the stream beneath
is her only fear.
Her voice is never heard
a whisper in the wind.

The dark shadow in the back of the classroom
the one no one whispers about
behind closed doors
the one no one glances at
the one who knows all about others,
but nothing about herself.

She wishes she could start over,
to find her voice,
because she has lost it
and I think it was my job to find it
but I failed.

And now she is gone,
a speck in oblivion,
never to be seen,
never to be heard,
never to have a voice.

She is the girl
in the corner
of my eye.

The author's comments:

We all know that one person that seems to go unoticed 

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