Ruined Soundtrack | Teen Ink

Ruined Soundtrack

November 3, 2014
By bprofitt BRONZE, Allen Park, Michigan
bprofitt BRONZE, Allen Park, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ruined Soundtrack
I put on a record today.
Some halfway indie one
By a band with a silly name.
I put on the record today
And every note made me
Cringe, tense up, like a
Halfway panic attack or something.
My heart began to beat like
A drummer on speed
And I couldn’t catch myself
From crying.

At first, I did not know
Why my greatest joy was bringing me
Such great sorrow
And then, smacking into me like
A locomotive, full throttle
I didn’t just know why
“Henrietta” did this to me.
I remembered everything.

I remembered why I chewed off my
Perfect little nails until they
Bled and disappeared.
I remembered why I stopped reading
Batman comics, even though I loved them first.
I remembered why I lost sleep,
Why I couldn’t make it through Talladega Nights
Without holing up under a blanket
And being oh-too-quiet.
That was what she always wanted from me, anyway.
And I remembered why I stopped listening
To The Fratellis, even if I liked them once.
Because all loving someone does is
Ruin the songs you used to love.

“You’re not a good friend.”
“Oh, please.  You’re not in love with him, are you?”
“You have no reason to be sad.  At least you have a family.”
“I don’t care what you have to say.”
“We aren’t talking enough about me.”

Stop It.

I can’t listen to The Fratellis anymore.

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