I meant it | Teen Ink

I meant it

November 9, 2014
By Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I said rude things but I meant it
Maybe someday or soon I'll regret it
I'm just mad at the way that we spent it
I was hurt you were mad
Didn't get it
Sweet words nicely written now have faded
I was made a fool, of the words that you stated
Now I'm pressed against these walls partially jaded
I'm depending on cheap rhymes
Lacking time
Broke in spirit
Repeating sad and stupid lyrics
Hoping someday you'll admit it
That I was right you were wrong
You've been holding back for too long
Singing songs without meaning
Now noticing all the messed things you did but weren't seeing
I was seeking love in all the wrong places
I failed to fill all these empty spaces
So disappointed about the time that we wasted 
You'll see it too when it's finally your turn to face it
right now I'm taking this memory and trying to erase it
This thing we had was sculpted wrong no matter the angle you place it
I'm glad you left I swear to my life this smile your seeing is real I'm not trying to fake it
I'm tossing this guilt ,waiting for you to take it...

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