One of those people | Teen Ink

One of those people

October 28, 2014
By Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Who in the world am I?<br /> Ah, that&#039;s the great puzzle&quot;<br /> -Alice in Wonderland

I was “one of those people” who studied hard
Every night, until my head ached
And I started seeing things

I was “one of those people” who attended church
More than even my parents who
Were the teachers

I was “one of those people” who never touched
A drug, let alone even knew
Any of the street lingo

I was “one of those people” whose grades
Dropped to below average
Until I just gave up with school

I was “one of those people” whose church
Was something of the
Past, where I wasn't missed

I was “one of those people” whose nightly
Ritual was to pop some pills
With a heavy dose of alcohol


I was “one of those people” now.

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