Basketball | Teen Ink


October 30, 2014
By Ralphyy123 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Ralphyy123 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
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Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work,so most people don't recognise them.

Whenever i'm on the basletball court my mind was clear, nobody could have distracted me or get my attention because it was just me and the ball.

Shooting,being aggressive, and making plays with the ball is what drove me to become a better player and a better person because if I work hard on the court then that work ethic will lead and show off the court.

The game itself tought me keys on how to become a better man and player it tought me to work hard and when you put your mind to anything you can achieve it.

Every dribble I take is like taking another step into life and this journey that i am in.

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