The Freshly Fallen Snow | Teen Ink

The Freshly Fallen Snow

November 20, 2014
By KeyannaK. BRONZE, Warren, Pennsylvania
KeyannaK. BRONZE, Warren, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four." - From the novel 1984 by George Orwell

There is an allure in freshly fallen snow

There's a crispness in its chill

A swift revive from summer's heat

Swifter than the hands of fate.


The snow isn't bothered by any one of thing

It doesn't mind the people who

Despise it while it falls

For they could never make it stop.


Its icy breath still brushes you neck

You cannot escape its icy touch

Wherever you may run

For it will always catch up to you


Even in the sun...

The author's comments:

I was l looking outside and it was snowing so I started writing about the snow but I started to write about the cold of loss, death, bullying, and discrimination and how you can't really live through life without experiencing it. I started writing about one thing and then I write about something different. I do that quite a lot in my poetry

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