The Colors Of The Sky | Teen Ink

The Colors Of The Sky

December 4, 2014
By MichaelH SILVER, Op, Kansas
MichaelH SILVER, Op, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Red, Yellow, Gold and Blue
These are the colors that make up you.
Red is for honor, nobility and truth.
This is one of the colors that makes up you.
Yellow is the mellow kind of fellow made up inside you.
Yes this is true yellow is the mellow kind of fellow made up inside you.
Gold is the mold that wonderfully made you.
Yes this is true forever made new.
Blue is true, honest and new.
all of these qualities I find in you.
yes this is true,
All for you,
Red, Yellow, Gold and Blue,
all made up inside you.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by the book The Outsiders. I have to thank my English teacher M Sutton for inspiring me to publish my poetry..

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