Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

Guardian Angel

December 5, 2014
By Ashley Wood BRONZE, Altoona, Kansas
Ashley Wood BRONZE, Altoona, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brother you were so strong
You fought for so long
There was still so much left to say
If only we had another day
Who would have known you were so ill
' Wonder if we could have fixed it with a pill
If I would have known that was going to be your last breath I never would have left
You held my hand when I was in fear
You dried my eyes when I shed a tear
There are too many memories to share
This just isn't fair
You will always be in my heart
No matter how far we are apart
I wish heaven had a phone
I feel so alone
What I wouldn't do to hear your voice
Ease my pain and rejoice
Promise you won't leave my side
If you don't stay it will be a bumpy ride
This still feels so unreal
These words help me express how I feel
I know I should let you go
I just hope you know
I love and miss you so much
Guardian Angel you're so strong

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