Friday Night Football | Teen Ink

Friday Night Football

December 10, 2014
By justin bates BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
justin bates BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friday Night Football

   Head to head in a playoff mash,
  two great teams willing to clash

The crowd cheers as the home team arrives,
they may not have scared their enemy,
but surely they tried

The ball is kicked off with a sound of great thunder,
both teams hoping to get to the blunder

The ball is handed to the running back for a gain,
his team nickname is the cold train

4th quarter the home team is up 17-14,
their mighty defense must get
much more mean

15 seconds left the away teams quarterback drops back,
the defensive end comes around
for a game-saving sack

The football team and crowd cheer with great celebration,
Division Champions is their new creation

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