I've Since Forgotten | Teen Ink

I've Since Forgotten

December 13, 2014
By winchester83 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
winchester83 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink." -T.S. Elliot

Remember what it is like to be in love.
Take a picture of her every time
she turns to you and smiles
through darkness and music in your car.
Record her laugh every time it cuts through
the summer heat on her driveway.
Draw a picture of her half clothed body
laying next to you in a web of sheets
that smell the way she does.
Let her fingers leave their prints
all over your skin so you can’t forget
what her touch feels like in the park
on a tuesday night when she should be home.
Keep all these things like a movie playing
behind your eyes when you sleep at night
so that when she says she doesn’t love you anymore,
you will remember what it felt like
all those days when she did.

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