~Good-Bye~ | Teen Ink


January 1, 2015
By poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

I see your pain
It's in your eyes
In that broken smile
It's laying right inside
Deep inside you wanna cry
But on the outside you simply sigh
Nobody knows so it's best to hide
At least that's what went through my mind
Those words circle around
That single rhyme
Nobody cares so I could just die
I'm pretty sure no one would mind
If I started kissing my life good bye
The cuts are from the one time
the pain was greater than what I felt inside
I soon came to my senses and realized
I would never get that original "high"
But that didn't stop me
I did it deeper screaming why
As the tears came streaming down my side
Now I'm stuck with the memories
It's worse than police brutality
I rather be stoned all day than snap back to reality
Cuz the scars lay there every day
Staring back at me as a constant memory
Reminding me of how it feels to be nobody
When I say I know how you feel
Its 110% true
So don't you dare say I don't cuz you know that I do
But I fixed myself and I can help you too
First off I need you to know I care
Forget about all the things those losers said to you out there
Now it's just me and you right now right here
I'm here to help you so there's no longer a need to fear
From now on I'm always gonna be near
I'm not some goddess
Just a simple peer
That sits in the crowd
Noticing the depression take over
as the happiness disappears

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